Making the decision to have a child is momentous… it is to decide forever to have your heart walking around outside your body.

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Aches, pains and twitches

I always knew that having a child would be painful, but had no idea that growing a child would be too.

My abdomen constantly has aches and pains not dissimilar to premenstrual pain. Thought I'd gotten myself out of that kind of pain for a good 9 months - obviously not!

The newest abdomen feeling started last week when I was at the cinemas. I started to get a twitch, like the annoying kind you might get in your eye when you are over tired.

But I have never had a twitch in my uterus before.

After careful examination I have deduced that it is in fact my little one kicking/punching me to let me know he/she is having fun in there.

At least this twitch is adorable rather than annoying!


Kirsten said...

Just wait until "adorable twitch" Turns into "Please don't kick my spleen" Isn't babymaking charming!

Amy Anderson said...

I love the twitches!

Brenda said...

Yup, you are feeling bub wiggle and jiggle! Enjoy!!!!


Emmakirst said...

Yay for twitches!

twirl said...

YAY! The twitching/poking/kicking IS pretty cool.