Making the decision to have a child is momentous… it is to decide forever to have your heart walking around outside your body.

Thursday, 19 July 2007


10 fingers,
10 toes,
2 kidneys,
2 eyes,
1 nose,
1 mouth,
stunning profile,
long legs,
strong heart,
cute footprints,
likes to move a lot.

Our perfect baby!

Our little one wouldn’t sit still for long enough for the doctor to take measurements at the ultrasound, which was fine with us as it just meant longer we got to watch the amazing being on the screen in front of us as he/she wriggled, sucked his/her thumb and rolled around. We have a great 20 minute DVD (which of course we have watched and re-watched) showing incredible detail of the ultrasound. The doctor was lovely and kept saying she could watch our baby all day because it was perfect!

Our baby seems to have Mum’s height as he/she was measuring a little ahead of our 19 week 1 day mark (19 weeks 6 days). But the best news of all, our baby is healthy and no anomalies were found.

My husband almost succumbed at the last minute and asked if the baby would be a footy player or ballerina, but then decided to stick to our ‘surprise’ stance. We have offcourse tried to determine it since by watching the DVD back and pausing it is opportune places! To our untrained eyes it looks like a girl in some positions and a boy in others. Guess we find out in about 20 weeks anyway!


Brenda said...

How cool is the 18 -20 week scan! I loved it!!!!
Im so over the moon for you both that everything is perfect.
Its great you are not going to find out the sex. We didn't either. So many do now and i think the surprise is just so nice.


Amy Anderson said...

Congrats on a healthy, perfect little baby!

Alison said...

It's so exciting! Pudding is Perfect! :)