Making the decision to have a child is momentous… it is to decide forever to have your heart walking around outside your body.

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

Could it possibly be?

The last few days every time I have sneezed (fairly regularly given the cold, cold weather around here) I have felt a small flutter in my belly. At first I thought there was no way it could be my baby, that I must just be imagining it, but it is getting stronger day by day...

Is week 16 too soon to feel it?

I wish I knew what to expect with the baby moving. Everyone seems to describe it differently.

Oh well, if it is, then it is amazing and magic to think that my baby is moving inside me. If it is not, I am sure it will happen soon enough and then it will be amazing and magical!

It took me no time at all to realise and accept that I was pregnant.

It took me a little while longer to realise that that meant I was going to have a baby.

Now I am just waiting for it to sink in that the baby I am having is inside me. I think when I know I can feel its movements, that will be when I really put all of the peices together.

15 weeks 1 day


Amy Anderson said...

That's exactly how I feel.

Emmakirst said...

The way it feels to me is almost a squirmy feeling but the last 2 days I have felt actualy kicks. It's like a tap from the inside. I was thinking it was gas the first few times I felt it last week, but definately kicks now. I only know this since I've done this a few times before. ;) I would say you are definately feeling the baby.

Brenda said...

I had full on kicks at my 18 week scan. and by 20 weeks S could feel them.
So I kinda missed the 'butterfly' feeling. So i would say at 15 weeks thats just what your feeling.
It wont be long now till you are feeling full blown movement. and once it starts, there is no stopping it!


Dr. Grumbles said...

Just finding your blog. Congrats on feeling some flutters!