Making the decision to have a child is momentous… it is to decide forever to have your heart walking around outside your body.

Friday, 28 September 2007

S e x

A good point was brought up by Nina on a blog I read ('Ben and Stella'), se*x...

I do wonder sometimes how many pregnant women are getting any, how many are wanting any and how many are just generally thinking about it at all. It may seem strange to care about other people private lives in that way, but I just want to know how normal Mr G and I really are.

I don't believe my drive has changed at all since getting pregnant. Ok, the first trimester was a major downturn, but since then I think I would like it as often as usual.

However, whilst it does sometimes upset me ('Am I such a turn off these days?') the thought of his little darling baby experiencing every moment of our se*x does manage to turn my husband off to such a degree that I don't know the last time we were intimate.

The thing that does worry me is when is the next time we will have time and energy for it after the baby is here anyway?!

Am I doomed to be forever officially 'not getting any'?!

29 weeks 4 days


Alison said...

I don't have the first clue so I cannot offer anything to you but I wanted to tell you I'm glad you posted... thought you were on haitus!

Oh, I did just think of something! None of our innocence was taken away when our parents had sex while our mommies were pg. It sounds like your hubby is already in love with his baby... what great parents you will be!

Amy Anderson said...

I throw my husband a bone every once in while, but it's not because I want it. In fact, I think I'm one of those weird pregnant women that has no sex drive whatsoever. He, however, still finds me sexy and wants to do it, but I just can't get into the idea of it. Plus, I hurt. All the freaking time. Does not make me feel sexy.

You're normal. Don't worry.

Twisted Ovaries said...

I'm one of those "always on" pregnant women. We aren't having sex as often as we used to, we're average 1, maybe 2 times a week, but yes. We're having it. And we'll continue to (as far as I'm concerned anyway), even though my partner also finds the pregnant me as not so much of a turn on, more of the "mother ship".

Brenda said...

As it was hard for us to get pg and many goes of IVF, there was no sex at our house while i was pg. My sister and mum both had many m/c and were told not to have sex while pg. As I couldnt 'just get pg again next month' we didnt want to risk a thing.
