Making the decision to have a child is momentous… it is to decide forever to have your heart walking around outside your body.

Thursday, 24 May 2007

The strangest thing...

I feel great! Everyone kept telling me how the whole pregnancy thing would get better but I didn't really believe it.

Until suddenly, 2 days ago, I realised that I hadn't felt sick all day.

This was followed by yesterday, another day that I didn't feel sick, in fact, I was able to do a quick tidy up of the house before hubby got home last night - where did all this energy come from?

This morning I feel quite positive and in good spirits, something I have been unable to say about myself for a while.

I read that Pudding feels all the emotions that I do because hormones through the bloodstream will take adrenaline etc to my unborn baby. When a baby is born it already has a view of the world from how their mother felt felt about the world throughout the pregnancy.

This makes sense to me, if I feel that the world is a happy, loving place and my baby also feels these emotions, when born Pudding already has this view of the world.

What I was worried about was that, because I was feeling so negative for so long (as an example, throughout the first three months I was known to utter to my husband that I think Pudding will be an only child because I couldn't imagine knowingly making myself go through this again - how bad is that?!) that Pudding would be born with a preconceived idea that the world is a horrible, depressing place and keep that view through out life.

Anyway, since feeling more positive (and praying that it will continue) I have less fear of Pudding feeling this way and I feel such relief to feel this semblance of 'normal' again!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Glad your feeling so good. The second tri is normally always much better than the first and last.

Your bub will be fine. I don't think feeling neg has much impact on how your bub is when they come out. Unless your neg once they are here.
